Premium Fivem HUD Script

Enhance Your FiveM Roleplay with Customizable HUD Scripts (QBCore & ESX)


Immerse your players deeper into the world of FiveM roleplay with a custom HUD (Heads-Up Display) script! These scripts, compatible with both QBCore and ESX frameworks, provide a wealth of information directly on the player's screen, enhancing the roleplay experience and adding a layer of realism.


Beyond the Vanilla Interface: A Streamlined View of Character Stats


The vanilla FiveM interface offers limited information about your character's well-being. HUD scripts address this by displaying crucial statistics directly on the screen. Imagine:


Health, Hunger, and Thirst Bars: Keep track of your character's physical needs with intuitive health, hunger, and thirst bars. These bars can even change color or blink as your character's condition deteriorates, adding urgency to roleplay scenarios.


  • Stamina Meter: Monitor your character's stamina during physical activity. This allows for realistic roleplay when engaging in tasks like sprinting or climbing.

  • Inventory Management: Some HUD scripts offer quick access to inventory management, allowing players to view their current items and equip them on the fly.



Tailored Information for Different Roles:


These scripts aren't one-size-fits-all. Many offer customization options, allowing you to tailor the displayed information to specific roles on your server. For example:


  • Law Enforcement Officers: Police officers might benefit from a mini-map highlighting suspects and displaying wanted levels.

  • Medical Personnel: Doctors and paramedics could see a health monitor displaying vitals of nearby players.

  • Criminals: Criminals might appreciate a display indicating nearby law enforcement activity or wanted levels.

  • Beyond Basic Stats: A Hub for In-Game Information



Many HUD scripts go beyond basic character statistics. They can display a variety of in-game information that enriches roleplay:


  • Time and Date: Keep track of the in-game time for realistic roleplay scenarios.

  • Voice Chat Indicators: See which players are currently using voice chat for improved communication.

  • Weapon and Vehicle Information: Get a quick glance at your currently equipped weapon or the status of your vehicle.



Finding the Right Script for Your Server


The FiveM modding community offers a plethora of HUD scripts, both free and paid. Explore forums and websites dedicated to FiveM resources to find a script that aligns with your server's needs and customization options.


Taking Your Server to the Next Level


A well-designed HUD script can significantly enhance the roleplay experience on your FiveM server. It provides players with essential information at a glance, promotes immersion, and allows for roleplay scenarios that are more streamlined and realistic. So, consider incorporating a HUD script for QBCore or ESX to elevate your server and provide your players with the tools they need to truly inhabit their roles.

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